Week 2 – God Builds a Nation

Scripture Readings:  Genesis 12-13, 15-17, 21-22, 32-33, 35; Romans 4; Hebrews 11

Significant Moments in The Story

God calls Abram – Genesis 12

God Seals His Promise to Abram – Genesis 15

Hagar and Ishmael – Genesis 16

Circumcision as a Sign of the Covenant – Genesis 17

The Birth of Isaac – Genesis 21

God Tests Abraham – Genesis 22

Jacob’s Name is Changed to Israel – Genesis 32

Key Themes

Why build a nation?

If the problem of sin is a universal problem, why does God focus His attention on this one man, Abram, and his family?  Has he forgotten about the problems of sin?  No.  Before, God had set apart Noah to spare him and his family from the destruction that would come upon the rest of the world.  Now, however, God is setting apart Abram and his descendants not as sole survivors but as a vessel through which all of humanity will come to be restored to God’s blessing (Genesis 12:3).  Redemption is not wiping the slate clean, but working in, with, and through humanity to recreate and rediscover the image of God.

How does God build a nation?

According to Genesis 17, Abram was 99 years old when God changed his name to Abraham and promised him, “You shall be the ancestor of a multitude of nations” (Genesis 17:4).  At the time, Sara was 90 years old and barren.  If God was going to build a nation with a couple, promising multitudes of descendants, shouldn’t he start with a young, energetic, virile couple?  No, because it needed to be clear that God was who was ultimately at work.  And God is inviting humanity into a relationship that is based not on walks in the cool of the day but faith.  Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen.”  Abraham and Sarah will both live to see the birth of Isaac.  However, they will not be around to see the multitude of descendants that God is promising.  However, they were willing to base their hopes and their lives on God’s promise.  God is creating a community defined not by a language or a tribe but by a shared hope that God will fulfill His promises.

The significance of covenant

Throughout this entire reading, God is making promises to Abraham and to his family (Genesis 12, Genesis 15-17, Genesis 21, Genesis 35).  As God develops the relationship with Abraham and with his family, God invites them to be a part of a relationship with Him that is based on promises by both God and man.  This is not a contractual relationship of “If you will do this, then I will do that.”  Instead, these are promises that define expectations, that state the character of each party in the relationship.  The Bible will refer to these types of promises with the word “covenant”.  Covenant will become the defining quality of God and His people.

Background Information

The call of Abram – Genesis 12:1-9

God promises to give Abram a land and to bless him with a multitude of descendants.  In one sense, God is counteracting the confusion following the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) when man was scattered across the face of the earth unable to communicate with one another.  Now, through Abraham, all of the earth will be brought together to receive God’s blessing.

Eliezer of Damascus – Genesis 15:2-4

Evidence indicates that, in some ancient cultures, childless couples would practice “slave adoption”, where the couple would adopt a son to serve them all of their lives and who would inherit upon their death.  If, however, a natural son was born to the couple, the adopted son would have to yield his right to inheritance.

The smoking fire pot – Genesis 15:7-21

God engages in what was probably an early covenant ceremony practice in which agreeing parties would cut an animal in two and then walk between the parts.  Though we are not exactly sure of the reason for such a practice, some believe that the ancient ceremony was a visualization of an unspoken message in the agreement:  if either party breaks the agreement, they are liable to be cut in two themselves!  

Throughout the Scriptures, fire will be a common sign of the presence of God.

The iniquity of the Amorites – Genesis 15:16

In Genesis 9, Noah’s son Ham sees his father lying naked in his tent and goes and tells his two brothers, who walk into Noah’s tent backwards and cover their father up so that they do not see him in a state of disgrace and shame.  When he wakes up, Noah curses Ham and his son, Canaan.  While there is much discussion as to why Ham’s actions deserve a curse, some believe it may be because Ham chose to go and make his father’s disgrace public rather than cover him up himself or keep quiet about it.  

Whatever the explanation, Canaan was the forefather of the Amorites, and it seems Ham’s descendants are still living with Noah’s curse.  Therefore, God tells Abraham that his descendants will be delayed in inheriting the promised land until the effects of Noah’s curse have been removed.

Circumcision – Genesis 17:9-27

Though often associated with the Hebrew people, circumcision is not unique to the descendants of Abraham.  Some of Israel’s neighbors also practiced circumcision of males as a sign of membership in a community.  In this case, circumcision was used to identify not a relationship among humans but a relationship between humanity and God.

Jacob and Esau – Genesis 32-33

Jacob and Esau are the children of Isaac, the grandchildren of Abraham.  They are twins, though Esau is a few minutes older and, therefore, recognized as the firstborn son with all the advantages and inheritance expectations that go along with being the firstborn.  In Genesis 25:29-34, Jacob convinces a famished Esau to trade his birthright (leadership of the family and a double share of the inheritance) for some stew.  Then, in Genesis 27, Jacob disguises himself to trick a blind Isaac into giving him the blessing he had intended to give to Esau.  In the ancient mindset, the words of a blessing were believed to  be powerful and could dictate the future of an individual or a people.  Because of all this, Esau swore to kill Jacob.  The boys’ mother, Rebekah, learns of Esau’s plan and tells Jacob to run away to her brother’s house and stay there until Esau’s anger has cooled.  Jacob eventually marries his uncle’s two daughters, Leah and Rachel, and has twelve sons, who will become the twelve tribes of Israel.  We pick up the story as Jacob is returning with his family to meet Esau for the first time since he ran away.

Some Questions That Might Come Up

How could Sarah give Hagar to Abraham in the first place to bear his child?

There is evidence that in some ancient cultures a marriage contract obligated the wife to provide her husband with a substitute if the wife was barren.  Interesting enough, these same contracts forbid the expulsion of the mother and her son should a son be born of the union.  This may explain, in part, Abraham’s distress regarding sending Hagar and Ishmael away in Genesis 21:11.

Why does God need to test Abraham?

Genesis 22 is one of the most powerful tales of all of Scripture.  The author tells the tale in such a way that we can almost hear the story being retold around a camp fire, with all who were listening spell bound as to what would happen.  The text gives us, the reader, an out in Genesis 22:1 by telling us that everything that we read next is a test.  However, even that out leaves us with a question:  why is God testing Abraham in the first place?

The answer to that question has been discussed as much as any issue in the Old Testament.  Some point out that Abraham has, on several occasions, seemed to doubt whether or not God actually will deliver on his promises (i.e. passing off Sarah as his sister, his relationship with Hagar).  Others have pointed out that this is where God finds out if Abraham is truly interested in a relationship with Him or was just interested in getting a son out of the deal.  Will Abraham still trust in God’s character even once the core of the promise has been fulfilled?  Others see in this story the evidence of the gift of free will.  Though God can foresee all the options, he does not know what choice Abraham will make.  Ultimately, God needed to know if Abraham could pass the ultimate questions of faithfulness as a pattern and lesson for his future descendants.  At the same time, some point out that God is also being tested.  Abraham needs to know that God’s earlier promises are permanent!

This is a story that asks hard questions, and so it should not be dismissed as simple or easy.  It also seems to be, as we might expect, a traumatic moment in the life of Abraham and his family.  It is interesting to note that, in Genesis 22:19, Abraham went to Beer-sheba and lived there.  In Genesis 23:2, we are told that Sarah died at Hebron, some 25 miles away.  The next time we see Isaac after the events of Genesis 22, he is living in “the Negeb” (Genesis 24:62) an area south of Beer-sheba.  We are never to see, it seems, Abraham, Isaac and Sarah together after the events of Genesis 22.

Additional Resources

A Map of the region where most of the events of the Old Testament will take place.

A Map of the region where most of the events of the Old Testament will take place.

Week 1 – Creation: The Beginning of Life as We Know It

Scripture:  Genesis 1-8


Significant Moments in The Story

Creation – Genesis 1 & 2

The Fall of Humanity – Genesis 3

Noah & The Great Flood – Genesis 6:5 – Genesis 8


Key Themes

An Introduction to God

“In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth,” – Genesis 1:1

The main character of Scripture is God.  From the very first words until the end of the Biblical narrative, we are reading a revelation of the God who created the universe and all life.  In these first chapters of Genesis, we see God’s power (he can create life simply by speaking), God’s love (every part of creation is “good”; creation is not a series of completed tasks but a source of joy), and that God has a plan and purpose for His creation (Genesis 1:22, 28-30).

Where do we come from?

“Then God said, ‘Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.’  So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” – Genesis 1:26

The Creation story not only introduces us to God, but also answers one of the fundamental questions of existence – where do we come from?  The creation story tells us that we are not the results of a cosmic accident, but a part of God’s design for His creation.  What more, we were created to have a purpose.  We are not just background or filler in the picture; we have an important role to play in how God’s creation operates.

The problem of sin

The first 8 chapters of Genesis reveal the fundamental causes and effects of sin.  Sin is when creation acts in a way counter to God’s intended purpose.  Sin is when humanity decides they do not need God, they can be their own gods.  As a result, relationships throughout creation are disrupted.  Rather than fellowship with God, humanity chooses to hide from God.  Rather than act as helpers to one another, humanity passes blame to one another.  God created everything with a purpose, but sin seeks to undermine God’s good purposes.

How will God respond to sin?

“And when the LORD smelled the pleasing odor, the LORD said in his heart, ‘I will never again curse the ground because of humankind, for the inclination of the human heart is evil from youth; nor will I ever again destroy every living creature as I have done.  As long as earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.'” – Genesis 8:21-22

The good news of the first 8 chapters of Genesis is that God is not passive or uncaring about the problem of sin in creation.  He is not the watchmaker who wound everything up and then just lets it go.  God is actively involved in trying to solve the problem(s) of sin in creation.  By removing Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and limiting their life span, God limits sin’s impact.  The flood represents God’s attempt to wipe the slate clean and start over with Noah, who has proved himself righteous.  However, at the end of the flood story, God says that destruction is not the answer to the problem of sin.


Background Information

The image of God – Genesis 1:26-27

This is drawing on an ancient idea where a representative of a king was known as the king’s “image”.  This representative was sent forth by the king to act with authority delegated by the king.  Perhaps one of the issues that leads to the fall of humanity is that humanity seeks to act not as those who have received authority from another but as those who possess authority inherently.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil – Genesis 2:9

In Hebrew, “to know” is not just a matter of the mind.  Knowledge included the ability to do.  Thus, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil represents the knowledge and the ability to do anything and everything, right or wrong.  Interesting enough, the only thing that Adam and Eve were forbidden from doing was eating of the fruit of this tree.  However, they choose to make God and his commands unnecessary by eating of the tree so that they can do whatever they want.

The serpent’s temptations – Genesis 3

First off, it should be noted that the idea that the serpent is an embodiment of Satan is not found in the Genesis story.  The connection between Satan and the serpent is more indirect based on other biblical passages, primarily Revelation 12:9 – “The great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world – he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.”  Genesis 3 simply describes the serpent as “more crafty” than any of the other animals.

It is interesting to note the three temptations that the serpent brings to Adam and Eve:

  • Is God trying to deprive you of something that you need or desire? (Genesis 3:1).  Notice that Eve’s response in 3:2 is actually stricter than God’s original commandment.  God never said anything about not touching the tree.
  • God does not really mean what He says.  (Genesis 3:4)
  • We can do whatever we want.  God is just a jealous and insecure dictator. (Genesis 3:5)


Some questions that might come up

Who is God talking to in Genesis 1:26 when he says, “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness”?

Passages such as 1 Kings 22:19 indicates an idea of a heavenly court.  Many interpreters believe that God is addressing this court in Genesis 1:26.  Others over the centuries have speculated that this a hint of the idea that would become our belief of God as the Trinity – one God, three persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).  What does seem pivotal is the importance of relationship from the very beginning of our story with God.  Relationship is a significant part of understanding who God is, and God invites others to be a part of His work.

Why does chapter 1 describe the animals as being created before humanity but chapter 2 describes man being created, then animals, and then woman?

Genesis 1 & 2 have long been held up as a prime example of what scholars call “the documentary hypothesis”.  In short, the “documentary hypothesis” states that many of the books of the Old Testament, especially the first five, were not the work of one author but were instead compilations of several different traditions that had been passed from generation to generation orally.  Evidence to support such a view cites the different order of creation in chapter 1 and chapter 2 as well as the consistent use of different names for God in each of the chapters (chapter 1 consistently uses the Hebrew word Elohim, “God”, while chapter 2 consistently uses the Hebrew word Yahweh, “LORD God”).  At some point, these various oral traditions were compiled and written down to create the book of Genesis.  Rather than choose one over the other, the author of Genesis kept both traditions side by side.

While some form of the “documentary hypothesis” is claimed by a large number of biblical scholars, there are those who dispute its claims.  However, most scholars at least agree that Genesis 1 and 2 tell stories of creation from different perspectives.  Genesis 1 seems to focus on God’s majesty and power, while chapter 2 seems to focus on God’s immediacy and intimacy with His creation.

Was it seven literal 24-hour days?

The truth is, we don’t know.  Arguments have been made on every side of this issue.  While these issues are certainly interesting and of value to discuss, we should not miss the bigger issue, which is why the Creation story was told in the first place:  to introduce us to God and to explain why the world is as it is.

What does the phrase “stiff-necked people” mean?

A “stiff-necked people” is a phrase used to describe a people who are rebellious or unwilling to change their ways.  The phrase originated out of an agricultural world view.  An ox might stiffen its neck when it was resisting changing direction or turn a shoulder away to resist being yoked by a farmer.  The reference to “a stiff-necked people” was a reference to a people who were rebellious towards God or who were unwilling to learn His ways or change their ways.


Additional resources





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